Camera Control

Camera Control

  , "cameraName" : <String>
  , "bounds" : {
      "min" : <FVector>
     ,"max" : <FVector>
  , "sticky" : <Float>
  , "drag" : <Percent>


  • Forces the camera to follow an entity


  • cameraName
    • A camera name (usually 'main')
  • bounds
    • Maximum and Minimum distance camera can move from the origin 
  • sticky
    • Defines a world ordinate number to indicate the minimum distance from an extent before the camera will begin to follow
  • drag
    • Defines a Percent (0-1) that will determine how fast the camera can follow the entity.
      * 0 indicates no movement
      * 1 indicates to snap to entities position


  • None


  • None


  • Does not support pool entities
  • FVectors do not need to be fully compliant

    { "x": <Float>  } will cause bounds to only apply to the x or horizontal axis