Haxe 3 and openFL support
Haxe 3 and openFL support
I am now pleased to announce that Firmament is up and running with Haxe 3 and openFL support!
Because NME is for Haxe 2, and openFL is for haxe 3, the decision has been made that all future major releases will be released for Haxe3, and haxe 2 support will only contain minor bug fixes going forward.
Also, because the Haxe version of Firmament has become the defacto version of the Firmament engine, I have decided to put the haxe 3 version in a completely new git repository, simply called 'Firmament' (as opposed to 'Firmament.hx', which will remain the haxe 2 version.
The new repository with Haxe 3 support can be found here: https://github.com/martamius/Firmament
A few notes regarding the new Haxe 3 version:
- There appears to be a bug in the flash target's implementation of drawTiles regarding rotation. This may cause entities to be rendered at the wrong angle when targetting flash. If this isn't fixed in openFL soon, I will create workarounds. CPP targets do not seem to have this bug.
- Firmament is no longer shipping with a modified version of Box2d. Instead, it simply requires the haxelib box2d package.
- We are now using TJSON for both parsing and encoding of JSON.
- Firmament is not yet available on the new Haxe 3 haxelib. I am working on this and will get it up soon. There are some complications with running the editor from the command line that need to be worked out.
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